Click IT - Reshaping the MSP Landscape - An Investment Opportunity

Summary of What's on this Page

A.L. Harlow, Click IT Founder

We have several videos for you to view on this page. The first is a comprehensive investor pitch that presents Click IT as an exciting investment opportunity to revolutionize the Managed Services Provider (MSP) industry through Click IT's innovative franchise model. These presentations highlight how Click IT is transforming IT services for small- to medium-sized businesses and local communities by offering its proprietary software suite and retail-oriented solutions. We cover the growing demand for managed IT services, driven by the shift to remote work and the increasing complexity of small businesses' IT needs. With projections indicating a $2 trillion market by 2028, Click IT is strategically positioned to capture a significant share through its scalable franchise model. We also delve into Click IT's unique business approach, financial projections, and the seasoned leadership team driving the company's success. These videos are a must-watch for both potential investors and franchise owners looking to participate in a rapidly expanding market with high returns.

WeFunder is the platform we have chosen for individual investments and to learn more about Click IT as an investment opportunity. For more information, go to

Interested in a Franchise? Click IT has a comprehensive candidacy program if you want to consider franchise ownership. First, take our Personality Traits Test at Then, visit Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this exciting journey!

*A non-accredited investor is an individual or entity that does not meet the financial criteria outlined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to qualify as an accredited investor. Accredited investors are defined by their net worth or income levels, and they have access to more complex and higher-risk investments, such as private equity, venture capital, and certain types of crowdfunding opportunities.Here are the typical criteria that distinguish non-accredited investors from accredited ones:

  1. Income: Non-accredited investors earn less than $200,000 annually (or $300,000 combined with a spouse) in each of the last two years.
  2. Net Worth: They have a net worth less than $1 million (excluding the value of their primary residence).

Non-accredited investors are often subject to more protections under U.S. law because they may not have the financial resources or sophistication to bear significant investment risks. However, through platforms like WeFunder, they can still invest in certain types of companies under regulations such as Regulation Crowdfunding, which allows for broader public participation in early-stage investments.

In the context of our WeFunder campaign, non-accredited investors will still be able to invest, though the amount they can contribute may be limited by the SEC to protect their financial well-being. Learn more at WeFunder.

Testing the waters legal disclosure - We are 'testing the waters' to gauge investor interest in an offering under Regulation Crowdfunding. No money or other consideration is being solicited. If sent, it will not be accepted. No offer to buy securities will be accepted. No part of the purchase price will be received until a Form C is filed and only through Wefunder’s platform. Any indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.

Additional Legal Notices: Any forecasts provided are projections and by no means a performance guarantee. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER OR INTENDED TO BE A SOLICITATION FOR STOCK PURCHASE. TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY TO ANY SALE. All investments are risky. You should consult your financial advisor before investing. With the passing of Title III of the JOBS Act, the rules and regulations regarding equity crowdfunding are undergoing a momentous shift, allowing entrepreneurs to be more creative. Convertible Warrants may be made available to early investors. We wholeheartedly endorse specific regulations that must be abided by. If you are an accredited investor as defined by Investopedia, no proof of income will be required. The federal and state laws govern franchise purchases. If you want information regarding our franchise system, please visit FOR ALL LEGAL NOTICES, SEE