Keywords Used by Click IT in our Pay-Per-Click Advertising Campaigns
Below is a list of keywords we use in our pay-per-click campaigns.
There are three types of "qualifiers", although we use just one we have found is the most effective.
The plus (+) in front of each word means that that word must be the the phrase typed into the search engine.
+computer +repair
+windows +update
+data +recovery
+disaster +recovery
+pc +repair
+laptop +repair
+fix +laptop
+fix +computer
+computer +upgrade
+slow +computer
+pc +support
+tech +support
+broken +computer
+slow +laptop
+slow +pc
+help +computer
+speed +pc
+slow +desktop
+restore +computer
+water +keyboard
+cracked +screen
+broken +laptop
+broken +screen
+broken +hard +drive
+system +error
+computer +performance
+blue +screen
+speed +computer
+cracked +laptop
+water +damage +computer
+speed +laptop
+tuneup +computer
+fix +PC
+water +damage +laptop
+restore +PC
+coffee +keyboard
+noise +pc
+computer +rebooting
+noise +laptop
+water +damage +mac
+improve +PC
+noise +hard +drive
+computer +rebooted
+Need +diagnosis +PC
+Need +diagnosis +computer
+Need +diagnosis +laptop
+Need +diagnosis +mac
+water +damage +PC
+spyware +removal
+pc +antivirus
+computer +antivirus
+virus +detection
+delete +virus
+remove +virus
+virus +removal
+remove +trojan
+remove +spyware
+computer +cleaner
+clean +computer
+malware +remover
+virus +clean
+Trojan +removal
+clean +PC
laptop computers
+dell +laptop
+shop +computer
+buy +desktop
+buy +laptop
+purchase +laptop
+netbook +computer
+computer +prices
+pc +new
+buy +computer
+HP +computer
+purchase +workstation
+dell +computer
+new +laptop
+laptop +computer
+purchase +computer
+notebook +computer
+new +notebook
+purchase +desktop
+computer +for +sale
+computer +new
+need +computer
+buy +PC
+purchase +PC
+computer +virus
+virus +removal
+antivirus +program
+windows +virus
+computer +scan
+computer +malware
+remove +virus